5 Useful Tips In Sourcing For The Best Whosale Seafood Supplier In Singapore

5 Useful Tips In Sourcing For The Best Whosale Seafood Supplier In Singapore

The seafood supply chain is one of the integral parts of the seafood business. Having the right suppliers in place means you can provide customers with fresh seafood that will leave them coming back for more. The following are just some tips you should keep in mind when selecting the best wholesale seafood supplier to partner with, and to ensure that you will always snag the freshest catch of the day.

Source for a supplier who can offer fresh, high-quality seafood products

Most consumers are now yearning for fresh food options and knowing just where their food is sourced from. It is therefore vital for restaurants to select a supplier they can trust. This is especially true for seafood, as no one would want to eat seafood products that have been mishandled or frozen for ages before it is being served on their plate.

The best seafood supplier goes the distance to ensure their seafood quality is top-notch. One important way to achieve quality is by having a keen understanding of critical control points. Critical control points are points along a supply chain where seafood quality can be compromised. Examples of critical points would be when the fish is caught, when it changes hands and where and how it is being stored.

Source for a supplier with an excellent reputation

At the end of the day, if a supplier fails to deliver what you need to please your customers, it is unlikely that your restaurants will be able to compete in the marketplace for a long time. Selecting an honest, trustworthy supplier you can count on will go a long way to satisfy your customers and to gain business.

Source for a supplier with an excellent customer service

This ties in with our previous point, as suppliers with poor customer service are unlikely to have a top reputation in the seafood wholesale business. In any event that there is a late order, an issue with the invoice or an unforeseen roadblock, you would want to deal with a supplier who actively communicates with their customers well and is also capable in offering solutions to meet their needs.

Source for a supplier with the right verifications

Your seafood distributor is just one link in the supply chain, but what about the links that come before that? What happens in the time between the fish being caught from the ocean and before it arrives at the loading docks? A good seafood distributor will ask these questions and demand high standards from their own contacts.

Source for a supplier that practices sustainability in their business

Over 3.3 billion people around the world rely on seafood as their primary protein source. What you do not know is, 85% of seafood species are either fully exploited or overfished because of bad seafood wholesale practices. The best seafood distributor follows guidelines on catch volume, sources from their own sustainable seafood farms and minimizes carbon footprint in their production.

Here at Crystal Wild Seafood, we pride ourselves as leading experienced seafood experts in town with more than 30 years of experience. Everything from picking, importing, collecting, processing, packing & delivering, our Crystal Wild Seafood specialists go the extra mile to deliver quality premium seafood.

We are a one-stop seafood solution for Food and Beverages Partners and Wholesalers, delivering top quality seafood at competitive pricing.

Crystal Wild Seafood, formerly known as Boon Teck Seafood, is a reputable Singaporean homegrown seafood specialist with over 30 years of operations and experience. Contact us at crystalseawild@gmail.com or +65 6363 2765 for any seafood supply enquiries.

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